O mnie


Marcin from Supermoto.photo is a passionate photographer with a focus on motorcycle photography. He captures the thrilling world of motorcycles through his lens, showcasing the adrenaline-fueled moments that unfold at stunt spots, shows, supermoto events, track days and on track events. Marcin’s dedication extends beyond documenting events; he actively engages with attendees, capturing their passion for motorcycles and the vibrant community that surrounds them.


What sets Marcin apart is his versatility. While he excels at action shots and dynamic compositions, he also collaborates with individuals for personalized photo sessions. Whether it’s capturing the raw power of a bike in motion or creating intimate portraits of riders and their machines, Marcin’s work reflects his deep connection to the motorcycle culture.


His commitment to both the craft and the community makes Marcin from Supermoto.photo a standout photographer in the motorcycle world. 📸🏍️